
Full or partial dentures can be used to replace your missing teeth, improving appearance and health. They can also restore function for eating and speaking if you have lost teeth.

What are Dentures?

Teeth can sometimes be lost due to injury, tooth decay, trauma, or gum disease. Dentures help to restore a natural, bright smile by replacing the lost teeth with removable devices. Because the teeth are also very important for speaking and chewing food, dentures give patients with missing teeth the ability to restore function that they may have lost. They can also help to fill out the appearance of the cheeks and facial muscles, which can begin to sag and lose muscle firmness when many teeth are missing.

Different Types Of Dentures:

Conventional dentures: These are the traditional dentures that are fixed to fit into a patient’s mouth and be removed at night.  For conventional dentures, all teeth must be removed or missing from the patient’s mouth.
Immediate dentures: On a patient’s first visit, their oral caivty is measured and models of their jaws are made.  The immediate dentures are placed immediately following removal and may need to be relined when the jaw heals.
Overdentures: These dentures don’t require the removal of extra teeth, and instead can be made to fit over the remaining healthy teeth. When a dentist determines that teeth may not be removed due to preservation of the jawbone, overdentures or implants are typically recommended.

Dentures are designed to have the look and feel of natural teeth.

The 21st century offers a much more natural choice of colors for artificial gums and teeth.

Advanced dental materials create dentures that are more comfortable, more durable and fit better than your parents and grandparents ever imagined.

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